Today is Neighbour Day! A perfect day to share what would be helpful to do for your neighbours when they are bringing home their newborn baby.
Back in the old days
Often everyone is talking about how it takes a village to raise a child. This is very true but the harsh reality of 2021 shows us that what it meant thirty, fifty or a hundred years ago is not the same as today. At this moment a lot of people don't know their neighbours like we did when we lived with our parents or when our parents where young. I used to live in a street where everyone knew everyone. Not just superficial, our parents knew the back stories, where people came from, they knew their parents, their grandparents and they knew whose car it was when someone was visiting. Did your parents send you to the neighbours to get a cup of sugar, and egg or some milk? Mine did. This was because the supermarkets were closed, there was nowhere to go to get the ingredient to finish a recipe. As soon as the gas stations started to stock essential items and supermarkets extended their opening hours we stopped going to the neighbours. This might seem like a small change but that small change made a big impact in the connection with our neighbours.

How often do you see your neighbours?
I have lived in many different places in Australia over the last ten years and what I have noticed is that when we lived in a neighbourhood where everyone had electric garage doors, we barely saw anyone. Everyone opened their garage door, drove in and we did not see them at all. Most of the cars had black tinted windows so you couldn't even make eye contact when they drove past to get into their garage. Another time we lived in a house next to neighbours that didn't realise that we had moved in. We had tried a couple of times to connect by ringing their doorbell to introduce ourselves but they didn't open the front door. After two years they came around, not realising their old neighbours had moved house and we where there. We exchanged phone numbers that day but that was it. Now we are living inner-city and our front doors are practically next to each other. We don't have garage doors so we see our neighbours every day. What a difference this makes. All our neighbours have a strong feeling of looking after each other and we keep an eye out for each other.

When you have a close relationship to your neighbours there is more you can do than just looking out for each other. When they are in need, in any type of form, you can choose to be there for them. A lot of families are missing their overseas family at the moment. Most of the families that live overseas are unable to come which means they do not have any help. Not only that, some people do not have family or don't have that kind of relationship with their family. This is where you as a neighbour can play a very important role in their life. Some small gestures can make a big difference A listening ear, emptying their postbox or taking their bin in when they are on a holiday or even help them with what they are doing.

What is actually helpful?
Some things that will actually be helpful when your neighbour brings home a newborn.
Meals are definitely very helpful and it is a great idea to give and receive. For example lasagna is a great option because it is easy to freeze, easy to keep and to warm up. Just be aware that you might not be the only one who is making a lasagna! When you are close to your neighbours it is maybe nice to do just that little bit more like household tasks. Cleaning your own cups and the parents cups after you enjoyed a cup of tea is already helping. While you are in the kitchen you can maybe do some dishes, clean out the dishwasher or clean the kitchen bench. When you feel comfortable with your neighbour you can offer them to come and vacuum and mop during the week or hang up some washing. Little tasks can make a big difference for them. Even to just walk the dog, take the bins out, put a washing on or clean the bedding can make a huge difference for a sleep deprived couple. Having neighbours that are close to your heart is a true blessing and something to hold on to forever.